About Me

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I love the adventures that this life brings! These photos are a way of sharing a little bit of that... I am all for living vicariously, so keep in touch with me. If you have any constructive advice about photography or writing (or any of the strange situations I find myself in) please comment. Don't forget to sign the guest book below.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Day 1

In literature a vignette is a short, impressionistic scene that focuses on a moment in time. Every photograph is a caught moment in time, the capture of something that only exists for a second. Photo a day is a new moment, a new photo every day. I hope you enjoy it!
Classical Lake Moraine


  1. holy smokes!!

  2. Hey Meg! Just finished checking out your blog, and Dang you take good pics!
    Can`t wait to see more.
    Love Rach

    BTW N8 is Nate:oP
